Hi, Prachi Tyagi is a BMM Graduate(journalism) from St. Andrew's college, Bandra, Mumbai.
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Sunday, June 20, 2010

It's not about what you want, it's about what you need!

It's raining outside when I sit down to do my assignment.. translating it from hindi to english doesn't make it easy but what makes it even more difficult is when I decide where do I stand when it comes to my career choice.. I went to cover an event with a senior correspondent when it all struck back to me.. why as a kid I was glued to the TV set when AAJ TAK became the first 24x7 news channel, why i had liked those players with the bat, those swanky lil cars, the nice cribs, VH1 and these sportsmen!! I wanted to know how it felt when the work you do is appreciated and you are known for the work you do.. I wanted to be a sports journalist and I still do.. I knew what i wanted to do when i took admission to be Mass Media Bachelor.. but is it that easy to get what you want?? Easy to talk to these people who you have dreamt of meeting your entire life, wanting a picture with them and then interviewing them?? some one told me that you have to love your profession and everything comes to second to it..
But what if you make a mistake??? What when you fall down?? How will I get there?? Will someone guide me??? Its like you know you are on the brink of victory but there is still a final hurdle..My freind tells me that if you really want something, it will eventually come to you.. Will I ever be able to recall a Test Match that i had covered?? But then if I had known I would be God ryt? Its not that I don't want other things in life, am not Jesus! But when you really want something to happen, you are excited.. Sometimes you wonder if its really that easy and sometimes you wonder if it will ever happen.. why worry so much?? Because its a want.. like a new cell phone, after sometime it may become boring!! This may happen to everyone of us.. We  think that we want it but we cant get it!
I think it may well be the case of wanting it.. I now know that being a journalist is not what I want, its something I need.. A need that tops my bucket list..
you may well have to lokat it differently.. after all its not about what you want, its about what you need!!


  1. well dat is convincing...the words that a true aspirant is just waiting to pen...

  2. wohaa
    prachi !
    long way to go bum !
    proud of u !

  3. "I had known I would be God ryt?"
    Fantastic line!
    Really looking forward to the day I see you covering sports! I'll probably be telling everyone I know: "Look, I was friends with this girl in school... And still am!" :)
